N8' ) Harry Potter
<(8-) Harry happy
S: :o: D Ron with long nose
<( Ron
<(%-? Harry confused
<E8-) Harry with fringe
<(8-o Harry Amazed
<(8-D Harry very happy
:- Ron and his freckles
:---) Ron and his very long nose
:-{[ ) Uncle Vernon, angry as always.
(:-o==== Aunt Petunia and her girafffe neck
0:-8))))) Dudley very fat
<(:-) (-> Weasley Twins
<8A( Snape and his hook nose.
@:-) Prof. Quirrel with his turban
<(:-)>>>>> Hermione reading a "couple" of books
<(:~o Narcissa Malfoy when Draco is near
<(8-{)>>>>>>> Dumbledore with his long beard
<(:-p A wizard showing his/her tongue
OoOoO:=<^o^ the Snitch
O the Quaffle.
OO the Bludgers.
l)===(l The House Cup
(") (") Crookshanks
__(,, ,,°> Scabbers
___(,,#,,o´> Scabers hurted by Crooshanks
<( )> Hedwig
======== * * * A wand throwing sparks
<([:-) Viktor Krum
:¬)|||||||| Ludo Bagman
^O-O^ Harry's Glasses

- Гарри Поттер, вы самое слабое звено! Прощайте! - сказал женский голос.

- Что? - не понял Гарри.

- Я сказала, Вы - самое слабое звено!

- Чего?

- Короче, - сказал уже мужской голос, - Авада Кедавра! Прощайте!

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